Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bathing suit season is approaching!

I know it’s blistering cold outside today, but in just a couple of months it will be bathing suit season! The reason I mention that fact is that if you are contemplating cosmetic surgery, the next couple of months is the perfect time to have your procedure. That way, once you are all healed, you’ll be ready to look your best in your bathing suit.

Since we have been seeing quite a few patients for breast augmentation consultations, I thought I would take a minute to discuss the procedure.

Breast augmentations can be performed in several ways. The implants are made of either silicone or saline (salt water). They can be placed both above and below the chest muscle and through several incisions: under the breast, around the areola, in the armpit, and in the umbilicus (belly button). Not every incision or implant location is ideal for every patient, however. These are issues that we discuss during the patient’s consultation.

The trans-umbilical (belly button) incision is a particularly nice approach, leaving a barely visible scar on the body and not the breast. Only saline implants can be used with this approach.

The trans-axillary (armpit) incision is also a popular choice. Either saline or silicone implants can be placed through this incision. Again, a scar on the breast is avoided.

The peri-areolar incision is an excellent choice as well, and both types of implants can be used with this approach as well. The scar usually heals very nicely and is almost imperceptible once healed.

Usually the operation is performed under general anesthesia, with the patient completely asleep. The surgery typically lasts about one hour. There is some pain after the procedure which is treated with oral pain medication. Sports and heavy physical activity should be restricted for several weeks. Most patients take 5 to 7 days off of work, and longer for physical jobs.

Please visit our website at for more information or give us a call at 814-757-5834.